viernes, 3 de mayo de 2019

Towards the Final Assessment

Let's load a new software into our brains with this unit!
Thinking about the central idea "Energy moves and produces changes in the universe" you will write a non-fiction book as a final assessment activity.


Follow these steps:

1. Show the inquirer you are by creating 5-6 questions about the unit. What would you like to know?
Resultado de imagen para lupa
2. Choose one of the following topics to investigate what it is like
  1. Energy (we will cover this broad topic in class)
  2. Big Bang Theory & other theories.
  3. Planets and new planets.
  4. Galaxies and constellations.
  5. Satellites: Natural and artificial.
  6. Earth movement: rotation (make connections to time & how we live).
  7. Earth movement: revolution (make connections to time & how we live)
  8. Stars (& the sun)
  9. Eclipses (solar & lunar)
  10. Phases of the Moon (related concepts).
  11. Meteors, meteoroids,  and meteorites (comets & asteroids).

3. Brainstorm about the topic you chose and decide the specific aspects you will investigate. What is my topic about? How much do we want to find out? How are we going to do it?
Design an investigation plan.
Resultado de imagen para brainstorming

4. Develop and answer your questions by using at least 3 sources of information. Remember to write the name of the source each time. Mention at least 3 aspects: What is your topic like? (FORM), Why is it like this? (CAUSATION), How does it change? (CHANGE)

Resultado de imagen para dictionary drawing

4. Create a vocabulary list related to your topic (mini dictionary)
Resultado de imagen para dictionary drawing

5. Create your book. Make sure to include illustrations and all its parts:
- Cover
- Table of Contents
- Introduction
- What is my topic like?
- Why is my topic like this?
- How does it change?
- Conclusion
- Back cover

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